Exploring Kowloon's Anderson Road

Chin Lan Chu is likely the officials who did not have local language skills that could not distinquish the dialect being used and made up the sound based on what they heard, or being told.    On some present day maps, that peak is called Tai Sheung Tok (大上托), while sometimes it has an alias of Jiu Lan Shu (蕉欄樹).
On the 1957 map the hill that was eventually quarried as Anderson Road Quarry was called Chiu lan Chu and was 418 ft high. It looks as though the old summit was quarried away and the hill that remains is currently known as 大上托.

Note: 1952 map the hill is called Chin Lan Chu but by 1957 it is Chiu Lan Chu This is most likely a transcription error but there is no Chinese name listed to confirm which one is correct.


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